You helped us a lot 你帮了我们很多 You are very professional 你很专业 ③ 上级对下级说的“你辛苦了” Good job Nice work Well done 干得好! 接下来小酱整理了赞美他人常用的50个英语句子 让大家英语说的更优雅 02 怎样用英语赞美他人 ① 赞美他人能力和工作 1...
敬原创,有钛度,得赞赏 对于移动阅读的未来,就像网络上流传已久的一个段子,说「以前上厕所喜欢拿本书,现在上厕所喜欢拿手机」,正是移动阅读的真实写照——是肛需,也是刚需。 『You are what you read.』 正如打开拇指阅读的第一句描述。见缝插针似的碎片化阅读,恰恰印...
I) An industry review website like Glassdoor is another spot to check in order to find some insider information about what you can expect about a company. However, remember to take the reviews you read with a grain of salt-many of them are written ...
What it is and why you read it What are the benefits of reading a newspaper or a magazine How often you read it and what are the contents of it and explain why do you like ...
You are what you read. 你的阅读,造就了你的人生。 ” 实际上,国内外教育界近年来都在大力倡导“非虚构阅读”。 2010年,美国颁布了《共同核心课程标准》(CCSS),明确规定了非虚构阅读在...
更多内容请点击:自贸趣味英语(七十五)丨"你辛苦了" 用英语怎么说?别告诉我是“You...